Hand weaving tapestry bobbins
Developed with the help of the tutor and students of the Tapestry Weaving
Course at West Dean College, West Sussex. I find that the natural beauty
of the wood combined with the simple yet elegant form make these items a
personal favourite.
The woods have been selected for their beauty and weight, with specific
gravities ranging from .9 to 1.2 (English Oak being .6). A few lighter woods
have been included because of their beauty.
I apply no oil to the tapestry bobbins, they are just burnished to a super
smooth finish. Standard shape in two sizes, lengths 15cm, 22cm.
Continental shape; length 18cm by 2cm with brass tips.
Mexican Rosewood (Bocote)
SG = 0.95 Cordia gerascanthus Prices from £14
Honduras Rosewood
SG = 0.96 Dalbergia stevensonii Prices from £14
Santos Rosewood
SG = 0.85 Machaerium scleroxylon Prices from £14
SG = 1.2 Diospyros ebenum Similar in appearance to African Blackwood but with less grain and a more matt finish Prices from £14
African Blackwood
SG = 1.2 Dalbergia melanoxylon Similar in appearance to Ebony but with more grain and satin finish Prices from £14
SG = 1.10 Dalbergia retusa Prices from £14
Tulip Wood
SG = 0.96 Dalbergia frutescens
Price: £20
Purple Heart
SG = 0.86 Peltogyne pubescens Prices from £14
SG = 0.98 Chloroxylon swietenia Prices from £14
Pau Rosa
SG = 0.95 Swartzia Fistuloides Prices from £14